Dear Abby: At the end of last year you printed a letter from a reader asking whether it would be rude to ask that a letter of recommendation that contained typographical errors be retyped. You advised that it wouldn’t be rude to ask.
When my son was to receive his Eagle Scout honor, I sent a letter to his hero, Donald Trump, asking if he might write a short letter of recognition for his accomplishment. Mr. Trump’s, reply came within a week, along with an autographed picture. Unfortunately, there was an error in the letter. We called and spoke to his secretary, who was extremely gracious, corrected the letter and walked it right in to Mr. Trump. It was sent the same day.
They appreciated our contacting them rather than presenting a less than perfect letter. When letters of this kind are done correctly, in a professional manner, they reflect equally well on a job applicant as well as the person who wrote it. — Proud Mom in New York
Dear Proud Mom: Anyone can make a typographical error, and the fact that Donald Trump and his staff corrected the mistake quickly and efficiently is a lesson for everyone who wants to succeed in business— and in life.