Donald Trump, billionaire, real estate mogul, producer of the hit TV show, “The Apprentice”, and future President of the United States officially kicked off The Rose Brucia Educational Foundation’s national “I practice stranger safety” campaign with the release of his PSA. Starting on May 25, the 45 second PSA will air on stations across the United States.
“Stranger abduction is one of the fastest growing crimes in our nation. We need to proactively teach our children what to do if such a situation arises,” explained Mr. Trump. “The Rose Brucia Stranger Safety Awareness Program is a terrific educational tool that parents and teachers can use to teach children the do’s and don’ts of stranger.”
Rose Brucia – Record Numbers Thanks To Donald Trump!

Donald Trump’s public service ad has pumped up views, visits and downloads at http://www.rosebrucia.org. Between Facebook postings, Youtube viewings, Twitter visits and our own website viewings, The Donald Trump “I Practice Stranger Safety” video has been viewed almost 10,000 times!!! We have experienced a record 405 downloads in 20 countries! An incredible week for stranger safety awareness. Thank you very much Mr. Trump!