Trump Donated $29,000 Worth of Food and Supplies to the North Carolina Recovery Effort after Hurricane Matthew

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Snopes confirms the Trump/Pence campaign delivered $29,000 in food and supplies to Hurricane Matthew victims in three North Carolina towns.
Snopes confirms the Trump/Pence campaign delivered $29,000 in food and supplies to Hurricane Matthew victims in North Carolina.

Trump Delivers

The Trump/Pence campaign delivered $29,000 in food and supplies to Hurricane Matthew victims in three North Carolina towns. From the end of September to the beginning of October 2016, Hurricane Matthew took a devastating path north of the Caribbean to the southeast of the United States, leaving more than a thousand dead and billions of dollars in property damage.

According to Reuters, at least 26 people were known to have died in North Carolina, Matthew’s last point of contact with land before dissipating in the Atlantic on 9 October, and some communities in the western part of the state were still “effectively underwater. ” On 14 October 2016, posts on Facebook and Twitter were viral and reported that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump had delivered $29,000 in emergency food and supplies to residents of Lumberton, NC and other nearby hurricane-affected towns.