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Talkmeister Larry King, the pop star Celine Dion and Donald Trump were all in the same room last night for one of those celebrities. The ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel was cheek-in-cheek with 380 friends and fans who managed to take in a $1,000 ticket for the 6th annual black-tie gala organized by Larry King Cardiac Foundation, where Kingheld’s Court and Trump held a 26-year-old Austrian model and Dion held several notes. “Welcome to my second heart attack!” said the slightly frazled king, who opened the festivities by jumping out of a small box, thanks to the magician Joe Romano’s hand sleight.
For his charitable contributions, Trump received the Larry King Heart Award, designed by Tiffany & Co., but not before King and his CNN colleagues roasted him in a video announcing that The Donald was buying Washington, D.C. and make the city a huge casino and resort. There would be the Trump Court, a revolving restaurant in the Capitol’s rotunda, and Trump would move to Pennsylvania Ave, 1600. The president admits that the Lincoln Bedroom is for sale, Wolf Blitzer said, but not the whole White House.