Rob Lowe teaches Seth the proper term for Bigfoot, discusses how his sons are trolling him on social media and recalls the time President Trump donated $5,000 to his philanthropy.
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The Donald Answers Rob Lowe’s Call to Donate $5,000 to Haiti
When Rob Lowe appeared on “Extra “a couple of weeks ago to help raise money for homeless families in Haiti, the actor called on Donald Trump to buy his handprint artwork, saying, “I challenge Donald… I don’t need you as President, but I need you to buy my handprint to help 50,000 Haitian families.”
Lowe’s call has not gone unanswered. The billionaire placed a $5,000 bid on Rob’s Valspar Hands for Habitat handprint! When asked about his big purchase, Trump said, “I think Rob is terrific. I’ve watched him on television and he’s always had nice things to say about me. More importantly, I like his charity and the work he does.”
All proceeds from Trump’s bid, and proceeds from the auction of more than 30 other celebrity handprints go to Habitat’s rebuilding efforts in Haiti.